Basic SLURM commands
Introduction to SLURM commands
You will only be able to see information about your own jobs. Information from other users is currently not available to you.
See the status of your jobs in the queue
$ squeue
1519 hsw-fdr serial_t USERNAME R 0:01 1 node001
A definition of the fields:
JOBID | A unique ID number assigned to your job, this will be stored in the accounting logs and you can use it to query for more information later. |
PARTITION | The name of the partition or "queue" the job runs in. Each partition has a set of nodes and billing rate. See the "Choosing your partition" section below. |
NAME | The name of your job; you can set this value to anything you'd like. |
USER | The username of that is running the job. |
ST | The state of the job: PD (pending), R (running), CA (cancelled), CF(configuring), CG (completing), CD (completed), F (failed), TO (timeout), NF (node failure) and SE (special exit state). |
TIME | The elapsed run-time of the job. |
NODES | How many nodes you are running on. |
NODELIST | The list of nodes you are running on. |
(REASON) | The reason why your job is pending, or not running. |
Submit a batch job to run on the cluster
$ sbatch
Cancel a job running on the cluster. If the job is currently running it will kill it; if the job is pending it will prevent it from running.
$ scancel 1519
These commands have many options; this is only an introduction. Please check the man pages for each command for more information.