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Job costs & Free Trial

Free Trial Information

If you are eligible for our free trial, you will have a $50 credit applied to your account. This $50 credit will be applied towards 500 core hours at $0.10 a core hour, or to offset your storage or login node costs (if applicable). Contact us at if you have further questions.

How Job costs are calculated

  • Jobs are priced individually, so each job will have a cost associated with it
  • We actually do costing down to the second (even if advertised by the core hour)
  • Jobs are always rounded to the nearest penny ($0.01)
  • You will be billed monthly for your usage in the previous month

How memory allocation alters job costs

  • Our standard compute core partition (hsw-fdr) is configured with 3.2GB of memory per core (64GB total)
  • If you request 3.2GB or less of RAM per core in you will be charged based on core allocation
  • If you request more than 3.2GB of RAM per core, you will be charged the amount of memory divided by 3.2GB.
  • We do this to prevent a job that only takes a few cores, but needs a lot of memory to tie up the resources of the entire node.

Memory examples

  1. You have a single core job, that needs 2GB of RAM.  You submit your job with --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=2G.  You would be charged for 1 core, since 2G is less than 3.2G.
  2. You have a single core job, that needs 64GB of RAM.  You submit your job with --ntasks=1 --mem-per-cpu=64G.   You would be charged for 20 cores, since 64G / 3.2G per core = 20.
  3. You have a 4 core job that needs 8GB of RAM per core.  You submit your job with --ntasks=8 --mem-per-cpu=8G.  You would be charged for 20 cores since 8G * 8 cores / 3.2G per core = 20.
  4. You have a 20 core job that needs 12GB of RAM per core.  You submit your job with --ntasks=20 --mem-per-cpu=12G.  You would be charged for 75 cores since 12G * 20 cores / 3.2G per core = 75.

Need more information on how we cost jobs? Contact us at and we'd be happy to help.

Viewing job costs

The customer portal will show you all of the jobs run on your account.  You will be able to see the cost associated with each job.  You can also download your job data as a CSV file for easy analysis in Excel or other tools.

Example 1

The job ran for 30 minutes on one core, in a partition that's priced at $0.10 per core hour.

DetailsConvert to SecondsDetails
30 minute job1,800 seconds / per core30 min * 60 seconds
$0.10 a core hour $0.00002777777778 a core second$0.10 / 3,600 seconds in an hour


1,800 seconds * $0.00002777777778

Example 2

The job ran for 2 hours on 30 cores in a partition that's priced at $0.10 per core hour.

DetailsConvert to SecondsDetails
2 hour job7,200 seconds / per core2 hour * 3,600 seconds
30 cores216,000 seconds7,200 seconds * 30 cores
$0.10 a core hour$0.00002777777778 a core second$0.10 / 3,600 seconds in an hour


216,000 seconds * $0.00002777777778



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