10. Upgrading ClusterVisor
Issue all the following commands from your ClusterVisor server system (usually your head node or management node) as the root user
Before upgrading ClusterVisor, it is wise to first make a backup of your setup just in case using:
$ cv-db-image -a -e /tmp/clustervisor-backup.img
Next the node running the ClusterVisor server should be upgraded first:
$ dnf update -y clustervisor clustervisor-server clustervisor-client \
Followed by the compute nodes:
Replace the ‘-g nodes' argument below with whatever ClusterVisor group has all your nodes. You may need to specify multiple depending on your system setup (e.g. -g compute,gpu)
$ cv-exec -g nodes "dnf update -y clustervisor clustervisor-client"
This will automatically restart the ClusterVisor daemons, but if they were not running at the time of the upgrade they can be started using:
$ systemctl start cv-serverd
$ systemctl start cv-clientd
$ cv-exec -g nodes "systemctl start cv-clientd"
Multiple changes were made to cloner, to produce a new cloner installer run the following command after upgrading
$ cv-cloner make-installer --overwrite