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Cloning existing node to new appliance

This page describes how to send a cloner image from an existing system/cluster to a new ClusterVisor appliance, in anticipation of migrating to the new appliance. The resultant image will be a backup and can be reapplied to a system if necessary.

Overview of steps

  1. Bootstrap new client on existing node

  2. Send Cloner image to new appliance

Bootstrap Client Onto Node

We call the process of installing and setting up the initial ClusterVisor settings on a node “bootstrapping” the node. To do this, merely run this command on the node to be bootstrapped:

curl | bash

Assuming the ClusterVisor appliance is configured with the IP address of, this command will contact the controller, get the bootstrap instructions, and execute them on the node. The bootstrap process will add a repo to the system which points to the appliance, which is where the ClusterVisor packages reside. It will then install those packages, then setup the configuration files to point to that appliance. Once run, the node will be a part of the appliance’s ClusterVisor realm, instead of the previous realm (e.g. older version of ClusterVisor running on old head node, ACT Utils server, etc.)

Once the node is bootstrapped, it should have cv-clientd service enabled and running. This can be verified with systemctl status cv-clientd. If necessary, enable the service.

Reboot the node.

Send Cloner Image to Appliance

Once the node has rebooted, you can now create a new cloner image based on what is installed on the system. To do this, use the following command, choosing an image and disk layout name that works for your environment. In this example, we’re using the name old-image for both the image and disk-layout name. (It’s recommended to use the same name for both.)

cv-cloner new-image --image=old-node --disk-layout=old-node

This will create a new image and a new disk layout, both based off of what is installed on the system. When completed, the cloner image will be usable to reinstall should you want to roll back to that image in the future.

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