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What is Cli64?

Cli64 is a (poorly named) proprietary tool developed by Areca that provides reporting AND management functions from userspace. If installed from the ACT repo the binary is located at /usr/local/bin/cli64.

The default password for the controller is 0000.

[root@localhost ~]# cli64 ?

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Areca, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Areca CLI, Version: 1.86, Arclib: 310, Date: Nov 1 2011( Linux )

S # Name Type Interface
[*] 1 ARC-1200 Raid Controller PCI

CMD Description
main Show Command Categories.
set General Settings.
rsf RaidSet Functions.
vsf VolumeSet Functions.
disk Physical Drive Functions.
sys System Functions.
net Ethernet Functions.
event Event Functions.
hw Hardware Monitor Functions.
mail Mail Notification Functions.
snmp SNMP Functions.
ntp NTP Functions.
exit Exit CLI.
Command Format: [Sub-Command] [Parameters].
Note: Use -h or -help to get details.
[root@localhost ~]#

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